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Immigration is a strength that must not be wasted

Immigration Reform

The current system is a joke, it harms the immigrants, harms resident Canadians, and wastes resources. To reform it we will pause most immigration streams first.

The Solution

We propose 4 areas that need to be improved for our immigration system to live up to its potential:

1. Speed-up Processing

Today applications for visas, PRs, and Citizenship are all arbitrarily delayed. The blame gets placed on COVID today but the issue existed long before the pandemic and it has been long enough since for that excuse to be acceptable. The way we see it, the problem is general government inefficiency and bureaucracy, we address that directly here. To make IRCC more efficient we will:

  1. Flatten hierarchy and streamline processes

  2. Boost employee access to productivity tools

  3. Automate as much of the repetitive tasks as possible

  4. Add strict time limits on when decisions should be made by

  5. Speed up renewals significantly.

2. Increase application transparency

Currently time estimates provided by the IRCC are so inaccurate that they might as well be arbitrary numbers. Frustration comes from the lack of communication about the state of the application. To solve this issue we will:

  1. Rehaul the online portal to give more details about progress to the applicants

  2. The reporting process would be automated to avoid burdening public servants

3. Recognize immigrant experience

As things stand, immigrants today are accepted into Canada based on their skills and experiences but then once they arrive discover that all those skills and experiences are not actually recognized in Canada and are forced ro start from scratch. Only young immigrants who can start from scratch benefit from the system today. To fix this:

  1. Once equivalency tests are passed, an immigrant's experience is recognized

  2. Ensure professional organizations endorse immigrants at the right level

4. Have immigration reflect Canada's needs

Currently, our system favours white-collar immigrants too much. Over time this has led us to have a very highly educated population on one hand but a shortage of tradespeople on the other hand. The system should be rebalanced to meet Canada's needs.

5. Combat fraud and misinformation such as the degree mills

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