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Some of our Goals

  1. Increase Capacity

  2. Improve preventative measures

  3. Flatten the bureaucracy

    • Help administrators find better jobs/start their own businesses

  4. Get immigrant medical professionals to actually use their skills 

  5. Address rural shortages

  6. Provide minor emergency care outside of hospitals

    • Empower clinics and pharmacies

    • E.g. Ontario

  7. Build up a pharmaceutical manufacturing base

  8. Investigate worldwide systems that maintain an affordable healthcare sectors and see what can be applied

    • E.g. Singapore, Germany

What We Have Today is Unsustainable

  1. Current system is unsustainable

    • Capacity isn't keeping up with population

    • Costs are ballooning too far

    • "Emergency" wait times are ridiculous unless you are dying

  2. Ontario for example only added 1 net new hospital in 30 years

  3. Cutting/Freezing medical professionals' pay is extremely short sighted

  4. We have way too many health administrators

    • Yes Canada is more sparse which requires more admin work to be done, but x10 is ridiculous

  5. The problem isn't funding, we spend the second most among OECD countries in the world as percent of GDP already

Agree? Disagree? Let us know in chat below.
We need your feedback to improve!

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