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Democracy without accountability is kind of goofy and risks a spiral

Government Transparency

We saw this tweet, briefly checked it, found out this is a widespread problem with Canada's Freedom of Information, decided to create this platform planck.

For a deeper look into examples of the problem, the scale of the issue and why it even exists, we highly recommend this deep dive by The Globe and Mail called 'Secret Canada' here.

Our proposed solutions are:

  1. Reduce the price of online record searches to a symbolic value

  2. Automate the online record searching process

  3. Enforce timeframe expectations for non-autmoated processes

  4. Weaken the ability of departments to reject/stall legal requests

  5. Any fees must not be based on the number of records in the result

  6. Speed up the addition of documents to the Freedom of Information infrastructure


Online databases are fast and cheap these days. When built and maintained well they can handle large amounts of requests efficiently and quickly. We will require a symbolic cost exclusively as a measure to counter spamming and similar issues.

Deparments being able to reject/stall requests that are otherwise legal/non-sensitive is ridiculous.

We will refine and expand on the above as we research more.

Agree? Disagree? Let us know in chat below.
We need your feedback to improve!

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