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The healthiest democracies listen to the most voices

Electoral reform

General Goals

  1. Ranked Choice voting immediately  

  2. Return the Per-vote subsidy party funding scheme

  3. All election days are stat holidays  

  4. Investigate how to implement a mixed-member representative voting model

    • And whether Canadians want it in the first place

    • Use an independent citizen assembly

Additional Goals

  1. Stop government funding of politically active NGOs

    • Examples:

      • lgbt support groups ✅

      • Pro-lgbt research institution ✅

      • Pro-lgbt policy change advocacy (e.g. requesting Fox news to be regulated) ❎

        • NOTE: only government funding is not allowed, independent groups can still advocate, promote, and file requests for policy change

  2. Find ways to make citizenship involvement easier

    • Saturday/after hours townhalls

    • Shift public facing events to be after hours

    • Make online feedback more visible/accessible


  1. Any model is an upgrade over current first-past-the-post

  2. Why ranked choice:

    • Most similar to current system

    • Does not require much, if any, expensive logistical changes

    • Represents who most people are willing to accept even if they don't get their main choice

      • Technically it may not be fully representative of what people want, but it does give voters the choice to have a backup option that they think is acceptable/better than the frontrunner for example

    • Promotes positive messaging because parties want to at least earn the second choice spot (e.g. Australia, and NYC apparently)

  3. Per-vote subsidy party funding:

    • What is it:

      • Parties receive a small amount of money $2-$4 per vote they receive regardless of victory

      • Assuming they reach a minimum popular vote % threshold  Ruled against by Ontario

    • Why return it:

      • Helps support potentially popular parties that don't win seats in their first launch

      • Inexpensive, if every Canadian votes (incl. Kids) and at the rate of $4 per vote, it will cost ~$160 mil. We spend more on dumber things

      • Encourages Canadians to vote even if they think their choice won't win

      • Pressures bigger parties to actually put effort

    • How to use it with ranked choice:

      • First choice gets all the funding

      • Adds pressure on parties to not aim for second choice status only

      • Include backpay based on 2021 and 2025 to encourage votes for the future party

  4. If ranked choice really benefitted liberals they would have implemented it when they had a majority

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