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Policy Highlights

1. Housing Affordability

  • Responsibly pop the housing bubble

  • Bail out average Canadians

  • Empower cities to blanket rezone

  • Government-built desirable non-market homes

2. Electoral Reform

  • Ranked Choice immediately as a minimum

  • Proportionality as soon as possible

  • Per-vote subsidy party funding

  • Improve government transparency

3. Real Economy

  • Invest in our workforce to boost productivity 

  • Upgrade infrastructure sustainably

  • Smash internal trade barriers

  • Boost R&D investment

4. Homelessness & Drugs

  • Address the root of the issue: affordability

  • Mandatory rehabilitation, including job training

  • Clamp-down on large suppliers

  • Improve mental health support

5. Government Efficiency

  • Freeze public servant expansion

  • Flatten hierarchy & add technocratic promotions

  • Improve productivity tools & processes

  • Responsibly cut down bloated departments

6. National Security

  • Increase military funding & size

  • Invest in capabilities and technology

  • Meet and exceed alliance expectations

  • Combat foreign interference

7. Immigration Reform

  • Pause most immigration stream for 1~2 years

  • Reform process to boost speed & transparency

  • Speed up immigrant experience recognition

  • Rebalance the system to reflect our needs

8. Healthcare

  • Reduce administrative bloat

  • Increase capacity, especially more hospitals 

  • Speed up service, transfers, and referrals

  • Streamline medical education and immigration

9. Education Improvement

  • Establish a national education fund

  • Set a minimum standard for provinces to exceed

  • Equalize the value of universities and colleges

  • Add a paid 1-year internship after high school

10. And More

  • Government transparency

  • AI policy 

  • Urban & Suburban development

  • Updated often

Ottawa National Gallery of Canada art



"I found out that my fancy fresh-grad tech income placed me in the top 15% of Canadians but I would have still had to live paycheck-to-paycheck if I wanted to maintain an average independent life.

Then I realized how lucky I have it and couldn't even imagine how the average Canadian manages, let alone the minimum wage employees, or those even less fortunate...

... None of the existing political parties, despite the glaring problems everyday Canadians face, were offering actual solutions. Instead, they preferred to make noise about the importance of doing more of the same thing they have been doing for the past 20 years expecting things to change..

... So I said f*ck it, what they're doing is the definition of insanity, I'll start my own political party with real change and fire memes and show them how it's done."

- Amr Nosir, Party Founder and Leader

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All photographs used were captured by Amr Nosir.

All art was made using the AI generator midjourney.   |   Mailing address: Suite #227, 99-1568 Merivale Road, Ottawa, ON, K2G 5Y7

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